Getting To Know The Team: Tieja MacLaughlin

Tieja MacLaughlin


I founded this company as a response to a service I was in need of, but couldn’t find.

PR agencies, and particularly those that specialize in crisis, really only cater to the elite. I wanted to provide a service for those who may be under-represented, and put education and proactiveness at the forefront.

“Embrace your biggest mistake, regret or flaw, and realize it is actually your greatest asset.”



I believe everyone deserves an opportunity to present their best selves online.

To me, having equal opportunity online is a fundamental human right. Part of gaining equal opportunity comes as a result of having a fair and accurate online reputation.

Our online reputations impact us on so many levels, including the emotional impact of how others perceive us, and the financial impact of our ability to earn gainful employment.

The interesting part is, that someone’s online reputation may not necessarily be a fair representation of who they are as a person. A sophisticated set of algorithms determine what information is showcased about you online, and those algorithms often favour entertainment over fact.

I believe that everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes, and I am passionate about focusing on the good stories we all have to share, rather than the click-bait headlines.

“There is an opportunity that comes with every problem, you just need to figure out what it is.”