What Is Crisis Management, And Why Is It Important?


Crisis management has been one of the most sought after services of the past year, but what exactly does “crisis management” mean?

Crisis management is the process of preparing for and managing any disruptive or unexpected emergency situation that affects your business.

This could include everything from the current health crisis, to natural disasters, data breaches, bad employee behaviour, legal battles and reputational damage.

While the framework is transferable, you’ll often find that crisis experts have specified expertise, not unlike lawyers having focused areas of practice.

At TIEJA Inc., we focus primarily on the reputational aspect. And to go even further, reputation as it pertains to your online presence. Otherwise known as, online reputation management (ORM).

This requires understanding a broad spectrum of issues, and being able to translate them effectively to communicate with the public at large.

Crises can damage your personal or corporate brand and its reputation. They can also have a long-lasting financial impact, and disruption in employee morale.

Effective crisis management starts with proactively managing your online reputation, and being better equipped to effectively respond to specific incidents.

Learn more about managing a crisis in the following articles:

Crisis Management For Small Business

How To Develop A Crisis Management Plan

Need help with a crisis of your own? Contact us.



This post was written by Tieja MacLaughlin, Founder & Communications Strategist.

Tieja MacLaughlin